Preparing LibreNMS Database

well I do not know how this forum is visited by people. But in the step where I need to prepare librenms database I came up with the problem. There was other problems before that, but somehow I overcome those.

docker exec librenms setup_database
Could not connect to database, check logs/librenms.log.

Hi @Banginis and welcome to the forum.

I will need more than that to help you, could you provide some error logs?

When you are preparing the database, what errors were shown on screen etc…

Can you also provide your Docker commands that you have used to prepare the database

Tutorial has been updated. If you are still keen on getting it to work using my tutorial:

  1. docker stop librenms && docker rm librenms
  2. docker stop mariadb && docker rm mariadb
  3. remove existing mariadb and librenms folders from /volume1/docker
  4. Follow tutorial again
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Sorry to reply so late. I will try it again at the weekend when I have a bit of time to tinker. Thank you Jason.

Thank you so much it does work like a charm now!

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Thank you for reporting in! :smile: