Originally published at: https://jasonloong.com/2020/migrated-a-plex-intel-nuc-to-xcp-ng-xenserver-with-igpu-passthrough/
Recently migrated my Intel 7i7BNH running Windows 10 to XCP-ng hypervisor The NUC on Windows was serving the following: Plex Media Server Ubuntu Linux VM via VirtualBox Crashplan-Pro via Docker Python test machine Self-written Linux Bash maintenance scripts Home Assistant on Hassio For all Internet of Things gadgets at home Automation This post is not…
Thank you for this post! Inspired some confidence! I’ve been using XCP-NG in a cluster of Lenovo Mini i5-6500Ts and was anxious about trying the built in XCP-NG Center method. I was able to get hardware transcoding up and running on Plex Docker with Debain 11. Thank you again!
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hey @odiewan!
You are welcome! Thank you for taking your time to post in the forums