Error when setup database

Thank you for the docker run commands

Hm…! Ok, so the host name works

Yes this. You are my kinda second user confirming this, including me. Prior versions when I deployed the MariaDB, I had this problem too where I can’t login to the CLI even with the correct root password. So I tried to login the CLI without the “-p” option, which is to ask for your password, meanwhile checking whether root password has been set and it worked for some reason (only in Synology)

I tried to deploy a new MariaDB container on my end, here are the results, which is totally opposite of yours, where without setting -p logs me in

Note in screenshot:
mysql -u root
works rather than
mysql -u root -p

Could you fast deploy from scratch to check on your end whether this is the same behaviour?

## stopping librenms and removing its files
docker stop librenms && docker rm librenms
rm -rvf /volume1/docker/librenms/* 
## same for mariadb, have to delete the local files
docker stop mariadb && docker rm mariadb
rm -rvf /volume1/docker/mariadb/*
## trying that mariadb run command again
docker run \
-v /volume1/docker/mariadb:/var/lib/mysql \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="rooting" \
-e TZ=Asia/Singapore \
--name mariadb \
-d \
--restart always \
mariadb:latest \
## after deploying
docker exec -it mariadb mysql -u root
# fingers crossed this works, if not, try the -p option
# enter "rooting" when asked for password
docker exec -it mariadb mysql -u root -p
# and if this works, you are the total opposite from me

Let me know again, if this behaviour is different on your end, I will need to update the tutorial with two methods of logging in the MySQL CLI :sweat_smile: